Faith Yost
Hi! I'm from Pennsylvania and I've always wanted to travel the world while sharing my experiences with others! I love being outdoors, including hiking, camping, or going to the beach. I'm excited to explore the natural world and culture in Ecuador!
Blogs by Faith Yost
14 Unique Species I Saw in the Galápagos
There are so many beautiful creatures on the Galápagos Islands. Here I show and describe 14 species that truly caught my attention.
Reflecting on My Time Studying Abroad in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands
This post reflects on my experience in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands, exploring challenges, personal growth, and my adjustment back home!
Combatting The Urge To Go Home
The reality of studying abroad for 4 months is that you're bound to feel homesick at some point. Here is my experience!
A Day in the Life: Embracing the Island
Life on the islands is different than life in Quito. Here I depict my daily routine on a weekday on San Cristobal.
10 Places to Visit While in Ecuador
There are so many things to do in Ecuador. Here is a list of 10 places you should visit while studying abroad!
The 10 Best Pictures from Ecuador
Here are some of the best pictures from my time in mainland Ecuador!
Day in the Life in Quito
Here I give a brief overview of what my life was like most days in Quito! This includes my exercise habits, meal times, and transportation.
The Amazonian Adventure - An Experience of a Lifetime
There's so much to talk about when it comes to visiting the Amazon Rainforest. Here I summarize the events and sighting of my week long trip in the biodiverse...
Culture Change in Ecuador
Not sure what to expect when traveling to Ecuador? Here are some things I've learned and grown accustomed to over the past 2 weeks!
Ins and Outs of Planning
Planning for a huge trip can be very difficult. Here I summarize some general tips and tricks I learned while preparing to study abroad!