Throughout most of these blogs, you hear all about how much fun everyone is having while abroad. We did this, we did that, we swam with sea lions, we climbed the volcano, we visited the only freshwater lagoon in all of the Galapagos Islands. Yes, those moments are all amazing and memories that will last a lifetime. But let me be real for a second, that’s not always the complete truth.
When studying abroad thousands of miles away from home in a place you’ve never been before can bring up a lot of feelings. I was ecstatic for the first month. It wasn’t until the second month (while in Quito) when I started to get a little down at times, but I successfully distracted myself with activities like volleyball and frisbee.
Shortly afterwards, we left for the Galapagos Islands! This change in scenery helped so much. It was like going on vacation a second time. I truly recommend a program where you travel to a different location halfway through. I fell in love with the simplicity of life, the flopping sea lions, and the majestic birds.
Luckily, this feeling of being high on life lasted until the end of October when my boyfriend came to visit. After he left, I realized that I was missing home. I missed my family, my friends, the crazy family gathering where there’s over 40 people, and the routines I had back at home. The first week after my boyfriend left was rough.
I realized that I had to fix my mindset. I was stuck in a position where friends in the program wanted me to go hangout with them, but I really wanted to just enjoy some time to myself. As someone who values my alone time, I knew that doing things on my own would help me. Here are some things I prioritized four weeks before the program ended: sitting on the piers watching the sunset and the birds in the sky, sitting on the beach watching the sea lions flop around, going swimming by myself (in populated areas), and spending time reflecting on my feelings and my experience.
And now here I am, less than three weeks from my departure date. I am so incredibly grateful for my experience in the Galapagos Islands, but I can’t wait to go home. I will continue to prioritize the habits I formed to reconnect me to the islands. I know that this is a once in a lifetime experience and I know I will miss it when I head back home, so I’m going to make every day count…even the days I miss home the most.
If you are having a hard time abroad, reach out to your support system! There are so many people here to help you whether it's your family, the friends you make abroad, or even IES Abroad staff. Everyone is here to help you have the best experience abroad.
If you have any questions, feel free to reach out! My Instagram is faith.y15.

Faith Yost
Hi! I'm from Pennsylvania and I've always wanted to travel the world while sharing my experiences with others! I love being outdoors, including hiking, camping, or going to the beach. I'm excited to explore the natural world and culture in Ecuador!