We are aware of issues affecting some students' accounts and their ability to access their admissions forms. If you are having trouble viewing the forms in your account, please reach out to your advisor at study@iesabroad.org

Everything we do is about the IES Abroad student.

We don't take it lightly that your student decided to study abroad on one of our programs. We know that you and your student expect the highest standards of academic excellence, cultural education, and health and safety support from IES Abroad. We are proud to set the standard in all of these areas. When it comes to your student's health and safety, know that it's our number one priority. That's why we have experienced and talented Chicago-based and on-site staff who are regularly trained in the matters of health, safety, and crisis management.

As your trusted study abroad provider, we promise prompt and concise communication whether your student falls ill or there's an incident in the city where they are studying. Keeping students, university staff members, and family members, like you, informed of any health or crisis-related incidents that may affect IES Abroad programs is of paramount importance. And, although it is impossible to anticipate everything, IES Abroad has extensive protocols in place for a wide variety of potential emergencies or crises. We have two fully-staffed, well-trained, and experienced Crisis Management Teams who are monitoring world events 24/7. 

Our Crisis Management Team is working 24/7 to keep students, staff, and faculty up to date with the latest alerts.

a student with their parents in Monterrat, Spain

What to Expect

Our Crisis Management Team members and Center Directors receive regular updates from a variety of governmental and non-governmental sources that monitor any significant safety, security, health, and travel-related developments worldwide, especially in those locations where we have students.

IES Abroad Amsterdam's Center staff.

How We Support Your Student

Every IES Abroad destination has one or more designated staff members whose duties include providing student services on-site. They are supported by a team of experienced student affairs professionals in our Dean of Students Office in Chicago.

IES Abroad MAP logo

Safety Tips & Resources

Explore our publications including IES Abroad's MAP for Student Health, Safety & Crisis Management — the first set of institutional standards published by a study abroad provider. More health and safety information unique to your student's location will be available in you Family Guide mailed after they are accepted to their program.

Open a World of Possibilities for Your Student

Why IES Abroad
a student with their parents in London