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581 - 590 of 935 Results

LT 342 - Exploring Gothic Ireland: Fact, Fiction and Film

The Irish imagination has long held a deep fascination with macabre stories of ghosts, changelings and other supernatural manifestations. It is a legacy that can be traced back to the mythology and folklore of pagan times, and in some cases—such as...

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LT 345 - Panorama of French Theater

Evolution of theatrical creation in France from the classical era (17th c.) to the 20th century through the study of four plays (one per century):

  • Molière, Le Bourgeois gentilhomme, comédie-ballet (1670)
  • Marivaux, Le jeu de l’amour et du hazard ...
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LT 351 - American Expatriate Writers

This course explores how expatriation provided American writers of the 1920s and 1930s with a vantage point from which to critically engage notions of American identity and to shape the definition and development of American literature and culture...

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LT 351 - Shakespeare the Dramatist

This course has a two-pronged focus; on the one hand, it is an opportunity to undertake a detailed study of Shakespeare’s verbal and theatrical languages, and on the other hand, it equips you to investigate London’s importance in shaping Shakespeare...

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LT 354 - The Finest Music – The Craft of Irish Poetry

Over 12 weeks this course will facilitate student engagement with writing creatively with a concentration on poetry. Concurrently participants will trace the development of Irish poetry in the 20th century, from WB Yeats to Seamus Heaney, and on...

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LT 359 - Lorca and the Andalusian Literary Tradition

The aim of this course is introducing Federico García Lorca’s life and work framed in the social, historical and artistic context of his time. Students are proposed a personal discovery of the Spanish author’s  universe throughout the reading and...

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