Iggy Takahashi-Brummer
<p>I'm Iggy Takahashi, a junior studying biochemistry and French studies at the University of Portland and studying abroad in Nantes, France. I love baking, cooking, travelling, exploring, and of course spending time with my family and cats. I have traveled to Spain, China, and throughout the United States, and I hope to continue to do so after graduating!</p>
Blogs by Iggy Takahashi-Brummer
Home, sweet home.
In which I return home after an amazing semester in Nantes, France.
Regrets and Happiness
In which I reflect on my time here during my last few days in Nantes.
French Gastronomy and Cooking Classes
In which I learn about and cook many delicious things!
Revelations in Ireland
In which I ask myself "is there such as thing as being too diverse?"
Travel Tips for Europe
In which I hope you learn something from these tips, which are hopefully actually helpful.
Wooo Spring break! Paris, Dublin, Galway
In which I do many touristy things!
Finding my culture in "French" culture
In which I find a very surprising aspect of my Chamorro/Guamanian culture...in "France."
A Small History Review: WWII
In which I see the two world wars from a European perspective.
Winter Break Part 2: Venice and Turin
In which I eat my weight in gelato, pasta, and pizza. And also visit some pretty cool places in Italy.
Winter Break Part 1: Paris and Brussels
In which I begin my travels around Europe and eat many good things.
Busy as a Bee
A quick update! I'll be posting a bunch in the upcoming weeks!
Fears and Reservations About Studying Abroad
Where I talk about how my main fears and reservations about studying abroad have been (almost) completely eradicated.
Classes Are Starting and I'm Not Homesick?
Where I ask the question: Are there different types of homesickness? Also, ethnic foods found while exploring the city.
When in France...Go See Some Castles
In which I eat many delicious meals, see many beautiful castles, and meet many amazing people.
Packing for Nantes...Better Late Than Never
It turns out packing for studying abroad is challenging and that I'll miss a lot of the little things in the States. Also, being a vegetarian might be a little...