Studying abroad is an amazing experience in itself, but it can also be insanely helpful in future career endeavors. For my personal experience, being in Spain has vastly increased my Spanish knowledge and abilities, so even though I know that I will not be coming back fluent since 3.5 months is just not enough time, I will be coming back with a much stronger grasp on the language that will hopefully impress employers. My home state of California is full of Spanish speakers, over half the population, so knowing the language is actually essential for many jobs there. However, learning any other language than your native one is beneficial and will look good on a resume. Obviously, more common languages are generally preferred, but who knows what kind of clientele can come to a business. Also, getting to know another culture is invaluable inself, so everything you learn from the experience will be helpful in any kind of job setting. However, if you have the chance to do any kind of internship program or volunteer work, I highly recommend it. I have not done any of that during my time abroad, but the people on my program who have, have told me that it’s an incredibly enriching experience. So when you go abroad, have lots of fun, but also keep in mind about what will be helpful for the future.

Rachel Elwell
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Rachel and I am in love with traveling. I come from California and I am currently studying digital media at the University of Rochester. I am an avid watcher of TV, eating delicious food, and fan of long walks on the beach. Exploring new places and learning about the world are my passions and I hope to share them with anyone I can.</span></p>