My first few weeks studying abroad in Siena, Italy, have shattered every expectation I had coming into this experience. I've always been a planner, and before my departure, I meticulously organized every detail, convinced that if I planned well enough, I could ensure a smooth and seamless transition into my life in Italy.
From the moment I arrived in this new and exciting country, however, it became immediately apparent that no amount of planning could fully prepare me for the sheer unpredictability and vibrancy of life abroad in Siena. In just the first two weeks, I encountered experiences I never could have anticipated. On our very first night, we had some light property damage to our apartment (sorry, IES Abroad…). A friend had an allergic reaction that led to a six-hour stay in the hospital (she's completely fine now, though)! Two friends and I got stopped by the polizia and asked for our documents—pro tip: ALWAYS have some form of identification on you or at least a clear, scanned picture of it on your phone!
During my first week abroad, I assumed I'd be too busy meeting new people and immersing myself in my new surroundings to miss home. In reality, though, I called my mom every day. The extreme newness of everything made me crave familiarity, especially since I arrived knowing no one in my program.
Yet, amid all these unexpected moments, there have been so many incredible firsts. I played volleyball for the first time! I learned how to introduce myself in Italian! I volunteered teaching English at a local elementary school, an experience that has easily been my favorite so far. I solo-traveled to another city and used a metro by myself for the first time. I went horseback riding through the Tuscan countryside! I went on a wine tour with friends and learned how to properly hold, sip, and taste wine. I went to a running club and was the slowest person there by a long shot. I've eaten strikingly amazing food and made my own (pretty good) meals. I've made amazing new friends and reconnected with old ones, each interaction adding another layer to my growing sense of belonging in this city. I read in a sun puddle in the Piazza del Campo as life in Siena unfolded around me—people gathered in osterias, eating and drinking and lingering in one another's company; students sprawled out in small groups, talking and laughing with one another or sitting quietly, closing their eyes against the sunlight; children giggled and chased each other across the sun-warmed cobblestones; all the while, the long face of the Torre del Mangia traced a sharp black shadow that reminded me of the profoundly deep history that surrounds me here.
It's been an imperfect, special, and utterly unforgettable experience thus far. Each unexpected moment has pushed me beyond my comfort zone into precisely the perfect place for personal growth and discovery. I can't wait to see where this experience takes me next!

Gail Curtis
Hi! I’m Gail from Rockport, ME, a small, rural town on the coast. Growing up, I fell in love with nature—mountains, woods, and the ocean. As an English major, I’m also passionate about reading and writing, which let me explore the world in new ways!