What am I Doing with My Life Here??? More than I Thought Possible!

Rachel Elwell
September 30, 2014

Today I am discussing the wonderful topic of university classes. I have had one so far and there are more to come hopefully soon. Although the second one I discuss in the video was cancelled today! Oh no!!! But anyhow, everything is seeming to work out even though there has been a lot of stress and hard work put into making my life run smoothly. Overall classes are good, I’m having loads of fun, and slowly but surely meeting people from outside the US. It seems like so much time has passed but at the same time like things are really just getting started. And I am so excited to continue sharing this journey. My next post will surely contain pictures and information about a potential second more frequent vlog. Stay tuned!

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Rachel Elwell

<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">My name is Rachel and I am in love with traveling. I come from California and I am currently studying digital media at the University of Rochester. I am an avid watcher of TV, eating delicious food, and fan of long walks on the beach. Exploring new places and learning about the world are my passions and I hope to share them with anyone I can.</span></p>

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University of Rochester
Interdisciplinary Studies
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