For the final field trip of the program we split into three different groups each traveling to different cities. I was able to visit Budapest, Athens and Bucharest. This post is all about ATHENS!
(photo 1) Greece greeted us with warm weather and our best hotel room yet. We even had a balcony and a view of the a colorful little street adorned with flowers and pink paint.
(photos 2-3) The first full day in Athens we had a guided tour of the Acropolis. It is really a truly amazing site to see. From the top you can see the vast sea of white buildings that make up Athens as well as the actual sea.
(photo 5-8) The next day we went to the Greek Island Aegina as a group. It was a pretty empty little town since it was off season, but there were plenty of shops and restaraunts open. It was warm enough to swim and most of us did. It was such a nice feeling to run into the water for the first time in a long time. I am so thankful for that moment and its one I really will remember for a long time.
Greece was beautiful and provided us with some great memories and amazing food (that Greek yogurt though). The Greek people are extemely hospitable and I defintely experienced this while I was there. One night myself and a group of about five other girls had a late dinner at a nearby restaraunt. We ordered a bunch of food and sat and ate for about three hours. The waiters encouraged us to stay for as long as we'd like and even brought us out a free dessert after we had paid. This is something you really don't find in America. I appreciated the gesture so much because the conversation that occurred during that time really bonded us together. So thank you Greece for welcoming us with open arms and allowing us to have meaningful conversation and to create relatioships.

Layne Garrelts
<p>Hello there! I'm Layne. I was raised in Nebraska and am currently studying International Relations at University of San Diego. I enjoy learning, laughing, dancing, reading, connecting with people, and being outside. I think life is pretty amazing and I enjoy capturing it on camera.</p>