1: Go for a morning run to see the sun rise. Living in Vauban, it is easy to make it to the hills and enjoy a beautiful sunset amongst the cattle.

2: Ride your bike to the market. Two of my favorite things about Freiburg are its bike-friendliness and the markets. There is always a market happening somewhere in Freiburg. One of my favorite things to do is ride my bike to a new one and pick up some fresh food for my week.

3: Go for a hike. You don’t have to go far to find a great hiking trail. The beauty of living so close to the Black Forest is the easy access to great hiking.

4: Visit a castle. Freiburg is surrounded by many small villages and many have an old castle. One of my German friends took me to his local castle to see this beautiful view.

5: Go on a picnic. Although Germany is known to be quite cold, Freiburg is usually sunny and warm. Take advantage of a nice day and go out for a picnic with friends.

6: Go shopping in Konviktstrasse. This is one of my favorite streets in Freiburg. It’s located near the city center and has a bunch of vintage and unique shops. My favorite is Collage, a cute design store.

Layne Garrelts
<p>Hello there! I'm Layne. I was raised in Nebraska and am currently studying International Relations at University of San Diego. I enjoy learning, laughing, dancing, reading, connecting with people, and being outside. I think life is pretty amazing and I enjoy capturing it on camera.</p>