It has been about a month since my study abroad program in Freiburg ended. This seems crazy to me now. I'm still very much in a period of transition as I have yet to start classes back at my home school and I still get the question "How was Germany?" everytime I reunite with a friend or family member. This question is so hard for me and I imagine for many others who come back from a semester abroad. There is no way I could answer that question in a simple or concise sentence, phrase or even a few minutes of discussion. So, reluctantly, I settle for the all too easy and commonplace "I loved it!"
Similarly, I simply cannot attempt to give any kind of overview of how and to what extent these past 4 months have effected me in this one blog post. So, as this is a photo blog, I will ask you to take a look at some photos that encompass just a small part of what study abroad in Freiburg has meant to me. These photos, though less artfully captured and less skillfully edited, I believe capture the moments that left the biggest impression on my memory. The selfies and the candid moments caught blurried and unfiltered on camera are most often the times I think back on so fondly. With these, I hope that I am able to somehow bring unto you a sense of what study abroad can be like. However, my biggest hope is that those of you who are reading this and thinking about studying abroad will hear this: DO IT. No one is going to have the same experience and I cannot tell you what you will or will not learn, but I will tell you that taking the journey is worth it. You will change in some way, you will grow and hopefully you will have the time of your life as well. I know I did.

Layne Garrelts
<p>Hello there! I'm Layne. I was raised in Nebraska and am currently studying International Relations at University of San Diego. I enjoy learning, laughing, dancing, reading, connecting with people, and being outside. I think life is pretty amazing and I enjoy capturing it on camera.</p>