So this week started off a little slow. Classes started which took up most of my days but I still managed to do some wandering and found a few more of the Contrada fountains, Chiocciola (Snail), Selva (Forest/Rhino), Drago (Dragon), Valdimonte (Ram). Its crazy how these fountains are everywhere and no where at the same time, scattered throughout the city right under our noses. Only ten more left to find! While the snow Thursday night and Friday morning in Siena was nothing compared to what friends and family are stuck with right now, it was a big deal for the Sienese. Barely any snow was on the streets and halfway through the day on Friday it started to melt off the roofs as well but everyone was still decked out in full out winter attire. We decided to take part in the fun and see the snow around the city and then from the Fortezza. We passed a few small snowmen on our way and even made one of our own. Looking out onto the city with the medieval buildings covered with a slight dusting of snow was just another experience that makes me love Siena. Yesterday was an impromptu trip to San Gimignano. San Gimignano is a medieval city on a hill about an hour outside of Siena and is sometimes known as Tuscany's Manhattan with its tall towers, built by competing families as a sign of their wealth and power, scattered around the city. Just walking around the wall seeing the city and the amazing panoramic view of the Tuscan countryside made this day unforgettable!

Jessica Heymach
<p>Jessica Heymach is a junior at Lehigh University with a double major in International Relations and Sociology and Anthropology. She cannot be happier to be studying abroad in Siena, Italy this spring. Jessica is from Long Island, New York and loves adventures, whether it is hiking in the Adirondacks or scuba diving in Maui. She has a passion for photography and art. Traveling has always been her dream, and she cannot wait to explore and experience as many cultures as possible.</p>