Preparing for Abroad FIVE Days Before Flight!

Jahnia Treadwell Headshot
Jahnia Treadwell
August 21, 2024
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Hola mi gente!

I'm thrilled to bring you along on my journey as I prepare to study abroad with the IES Abroad Salamanca program. As a senior at Bucknell University majoring in Psychology and Spanish, this semester promises to be a whirlwind of new experiences and personal growth, and I can't wait to share it all with you.

In this first vlog, I'm taking you through the chaotic yet exciting process of preparing for my trip from my hometown of Allentown, PA. With just five days left before my flight to Salamanca, Spain, the adrenaline is high as I scramble to gather everything I need. From shopping for essentials to ensuring all my documents are in order, every moment counts.

Check out my vlog here.

One of the most daunting tasks I discuss in this vlog is my visit to the New York consulate for the Visa process. Navigating the bureaucratic maze can be stressful, but it's a necessary step in making my dream of studying abroad a reality.

Throughout the vlog, I aimed to capture both the highs and lows of this preparation phase. There's excitement about the upcoming adventure mixed with the inevitable nervousness about the unknown.

Join me as I embark on this unforgettable chapter of my academic and personal life. Whether you're curious about studying abroad, interested in travel tips, or simply want to follow along on my adventures, I invite you to be part of this exciting experience. Together, we'll navigate the challenges and joys of studying abroad in Salamanca, Spain. Stay tuned for more updates and insights as my journey unfolds!

Thank you for joining me on this incredible ride. Here's to new beginnings and unforgettable experiences ahead!

Until next time!

Signing off,


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Jahnia Treadwell Headshot

Jahnia Treadwell

Hello! My name is Jahnia, and I am Afro-Latina—Puerto Rican and Black. I am a senior studying psychology. As a first-generation student, I hope to provide advice to prospective first-gen students and blog my adventures in Salamanca, Spain!!

2024 Fall
Home University:
Bucknell University
Allentown, Pennsylvania
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