This whirlwind of an adventure has come to a close too soon. The only 6 and a half weeks I spent in Siena have been some of the most amazing weeks thus far in my life. I never thought it would be possible to learn so much about Italian language and culture, Siena, food, and myself in a single summer. Since being home, I’ve already had many people ask me what I miss most about Italy; that would be the food. Although it seems obvious from my blog that food is quite important to me, it was actually quite difficult to decide what my favorite thing about studying abroad in Italy was. There was the Italian culture, the Italian language, the wonderful people, the beautiful places that we visited, and the delicious food.
To wrap up a good trip, I always like to look at a bunch of photos that I took, so on this post are a random assortments of photos throughout the trip that are either photos that I truly enjoy or my favorite moments. Additionally, I do apologize for not having blogged about on of the most important aspects of Siena, the Palio. Therefore, to give you a better look at the Palio here is a youtube clip from the July Palio: I intended on having a post solely dedicated to the Palio, but with everything happening in Italy and due to the fact that the Palio surrounds many complicated medieval traditions, I did not have the chance to make a post. So, I apologize, but it is something very much worth looking up. Some of the pictures I have attached here only gives you a taste into the Palio culture, which consumes the Sienese culture.

Gabrielle Lubin
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Ciao!! I’m a rising senior from Bowdoin College in Maine studying Psychology and Education. Even though I go to school in a small town, I’m from the big city of Chicago, but I am ecstatic to explore yet another beautiful small town, Siena! Starting in high school and continuing onto college, I have blogged about the various delicious desserts that I have been lucky enough to enjoy. This has been my way of expressing my sweet tooth for all to see and try. It has also allowed me the privilege and opportunity to try things that I never would have otherwise, such as a wide range of cuisines in various “local” areas that I may never have ventured to. For me, trying a new dessert—or food in general—is not only about how it tastes but also who you are with, what the atmosphere is like, and how you feel about the food. I aim to convey these experiences to my readers through photographs and short descriptions. I am anxious and open to try all that Italy offers to add onto my delectable list!</span></p>