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The Code of Student Responsibility is made up of four parts: the IES Abroad Academic Integrity Code; the Academic Integrity Code Violation Review Process; the Student Code of Conduct; and Judicial Procedures.

Students participating in an IES Abroad program are expected to take responsibility for their own actions or failure to act. The IES Abroad Code of Student Responsibility includes policies based on the premise that students are adults and guests abroad. Students are expected to abide by the IES Abroad code and the laws and customs that govern the host country where they are studying. Students are legally subject to the same laws and regulations that govern the host country’s citizens, and any other laws that are applicable as a foreign citizen in the host country.

As an academic institution, the members of the IES Abroad community are expected to respect the rights and dignity of other students, staff, faculty, members of host institutions, and local citizens. Students must take responsibility for acting in ways that demonstrate respect for themselves and others and recognize that each student represents IES Abroad and their home country for the duration of their time in the IES Abroad program.

We hold students responsible for knowing the policies as set forth in this handbook, in the catalog for their program, and those discussed during orientation or posted as needed on official bulletin boards. These policies exist to facilitate the educational process and to ensure a safe, fair, and successful experience for students. Ignorance of the policies is not an acceptable excuse for policy violation.

IES Abroad students who are participating exclusively in host university programs are subject to the rules of conduct, academic procedures, academic honor codes, and student disciplinary procedures of their respective universities primarily, in addition to the IES Abroad code, concurrently or secondarily, depending on the host university’s program. For students enrolled in both IES Abroad courses and local university courses, the local university codes apply and take precedence over IES Abroad codes with regard to violations within the local universities’ jurisdiction. Otherwise, the IES Abroad code applies. For all other students, the IES Abroad policies are enforced, and the IES Abroad procedures must be followed in response to any violations of conduct or academic regulations. This does not prevent further actions being taken by students’ home schools with regard to any violations.

The IES Abroad Academic Integrity Code

The IES Abroad Academic Integrity Code is in effect without adjustment when no other university jurisdiction is in effect. By enrolling in an IES program, a student agrees to abide by this Academic Integrity Code.

When a student enrolls in a course at an IES partner institution as part of the student’s IES program, IES will uphold the academic integrity policies of the partner university. Should a student engage in academic dishonesty according to the partner university’s policies, IES will notify the student’s home school of the university’s findings and will retain a record of these findings. IES also reserves the right to review charges and findings related to academic misconduct in a partner university course and to review the case and assign its own sanctions to the student. 


Students will approach their academic work with dedication and honesty, understanding that they are responsible for learning and earning grades through their own efforts. Further, students agree to be fully prepared for each class session, to abide by the attendance policy in place for each course, to complete the required number of academic credit hours per term, and to abide by all academic policies of IES.

By enrolling in a program with IES, students agree not to engage in plagiarism, cheating, use of unauthorized materials, accessing or distributing confidential academic materials, academic sabotage, falsification of information, or deception. Specifications of these violations are described below:

Academic Honor Code Violations Review

The Code of Student Conduct

Students who participate in IES Abroad programs are representatives of IES Abroad at all times during their enrollment. As a result, any student who engages in conduct unbecoming of an IES Abroad student will be violating this code and will be subject to appropriate administrative review proceedings and sanctions, up to and including dismissal from the program. Information regarding IES Abroad policy violations will be provided to the students’ homeschools and may be provided to their parents.

The following Code of Student Conduct remains in effect, in addition to any other home campus, overseas campus, or other university jurisdiction that may be in effect during an IES Abroad program.

Student Discipline Procedures

Should an alleged or apparent violation of the Code of Student Responsibility occur, an informal investigation of the circumstances will generally follow and the student(s) involved will participate in an Administrative Review proceeding in accordance with the Code of Student Responsibility and these student disciplinary procedures. 

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