Studying Psychology with One of the Greats – Alum of the Month Tom Drucker

IES Abroad
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A headshot of Tom Drucker

You have a unique opportunity to expand your studies beyond the typical classroom when you study abroad. Tom Drucker (IES Abroad Vienna 1965-66 | University of California, Los Angeles) took full advantage of this as an IES Abroad student when he sought out an opportunity to study with world-renowned psychiatrist Viktor Frankl.

The founder of what has been called the “Third Viennese School of Psychology” (following Freud’s psychoanalysis and Adler’s individual psychology), Dr. Frankl is known for developing “logotherapy” – the idea that human nature is motivated by the search for a life purpose – and is the author of the popular book, Man’s Search for Meaning. After taking Dr. Frankl’s logotherapy classes at the University of Vienna, Tom became his personal assistant and engaged with other leaders in the field including Abraham Maslow, Carl Rogers, and Fritz Perls.

These introductions and subsequent mentoring relationships launched Tom’s career. Today, Tom is President of Consultants in Corporate Innovation, which works with C-suite executives to lead change at many of America’s Fortune 500 companies. Integrating the principles of positive psychology with the process of improvement, change management, and environmental sustainability, Tom serves as an advisor for both not-for-profit and for-profit companies. He leads Corporate Social Responsibility and Transformational Leadership programs globally across various industries.

Hear more of Tom’s fascinating story in this video interview: 

Learn more about studying abroad in Vienna and how you can study psychology abroad. 

Check out all of our Alum of the Month profiles to see real examples of how study abroad changed the lives and careers of our former students.

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