From Dublin Internship to Career in Journalism - Alum of the Month Kayla Jardine

IES Abroad
January 26, 2018

Meet Kayla Jardine (IES Internships Dublin | Summer 2015), Associate Digital Producer at Entercom. Read on to discover how interning abroad helped Kayla land jobs at NBC News and CBS Radio after graduation, and her current position at Entercom, where she produces news and conducts interviews with celebrities—like Ed Sheeran.

IES Abroad: What motivated you to do a summer internship abroad in Dublin

Kayla Jardine (KJ): My family is from Ireland and it's always been a place I've been dying to explore. My grandma would go often, so I thought studying abroad would be the perfect opportunity. I'm also big on internships (I've done six while in school), so wanted another on my résumé.

IES Abroad: Where did you intern in Ireland and what was the most memorable project you worked on? 

KJ: I interned for Martello Media in Dun Laoghaire and the best project I worked on was definitely the GPO (General Post Office) Museum in city centre. The General Post Office was the 'hub' for the 1916 uprising in Ireland. I was able to visit the jail where many of the rebels were held--and one executed--and sort through many of the artillery from the actual uprising. It was one of the most life-changing experiences.

IES Abroad: Was there anything that surprised you about Dublin? Was there something that you found to be very different compared to the United States? 

KJ: Ireland, in general, was very surprising to me in terms of their work ethic. While my company absolutely worked hard, they don't live to work; a very different concept from the life I live in NYC. While it's never easy, I try to remember that same idea while working today. 

IES Abroad: Did your experience shape or change your future career goals

KJ: Absolutely. Getting hands-on experience with history reminded me how much I love my journalism career and how many directions there are to go with it. Eventually, I'd love to travel the world and report on different cultures.

IES Abroad: After you graduated from Wagner College, you landed jobs at NBC News and CBS Radio. What was this like and how did your internship abroad in Ireland help prepare you for these roles? 

KJ: First off, saying that I studied abroad came up in almost every interview. Either an interviewer loves Ireland or they were impressed I was able to successfully intern in a different country. I'm not sure I could have landed the high-profile jobs I've been lucky to have without studying abroad. Furthermore, the classes I took while interning abroad helped hone my résumé and my cover letter. We even had a special lecturer come in and help prepare us for interviews.

IES Abroad: You were recently hired as Digital Associate Producer at Entercom. Tell us about your new position. 

KJ: I produce news packages for and 1010 WINS News that get syndicated around the world. Producing basically means I find stories, conduct interviews, write scripts, voice-over packages, and then push everything to social media. I'm trying to expand into some on-camera work, so sometimes I get to interview celebrities.

IES Abroad: What are some of the most interesting interviews you have conducted to date? 

KJ: While interviewing Ed Sheeran [check out the video below] was absolutely a dream come true, my favorite interview was with America's Got Talent runner-up Angelica Hale. When she was younger she had to have a kidney transplant but continued to persevere. Now she is singing around the world at such a young age. Truly inspiring!

IES Abroad: Did you learn any lessons abroad that you continue to draw upon today, personally or professionally?

KJ: Studying abroad made me realize my love of travel. Since Ireland, I've been to England, France, Italy, Greece, Switzerland, Spain, Amsterdam, China, and Thailand. Getting to live in another country really opened my eyes to the importance of understanding and appreciating other cultures.

IES Abroad: Do you have any advice for students who are thinking of studying or interning abroad

KJ: I can't speak highly enough about IES Abroad and the chance to study and intern in another country. I was so nervous to leave the United States in fear of missing out, but I gained so much more abroad, not just friends, but adventures I still bring up all the time—years later! I almost missed out on one of the most life-changing experiences to date because I dreaded the paperwork. Go, learn, and enjoy!

Interested in an international internship experience like Kayla's? Apply for the Dublin Summer Internship, or an internship in one of eight other international locations, by Friday, February 16th


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