15 Study Abroad Instagram Photos from Summer 2019

IES Abroad
15 Study Abroad Instagram Photos from Summer 2019

1. Argentina

Study abroad starts with saying "goodbye" to the familar and "hola" to new adventures. Check out @pheonixnotarizona's blog post about getting ready to go abroad—and all the mixed emotions that come with it! 

Photo Credit: @pheonixnotarizona

2. Australia

Curious what it's like to study abroad in Sydney from the student's perspective? Check out our Social Media Correspondent's Instagram account @katedockery to see why studying abroad has left her beaming with joy! 

Photo Credit: @katedockery

3. Austria

They say the hills are alive with the sound of music, but does that apply to the Eastern Alps? Guess you'll have to study abroad in Vienna to find out!

Photo Credit: @nickpolitis_

4. Ecuador

"Sea" all the beauty that the Galápagos Islands has to offer⁠—it is around every corner, whether you are scuba diving or strolling through the city. For more street art views check out the 11 Best Places to Study Abroad for Street Art Enthusiasts.

Photo Credit: @syddles95

5. England

Your time studying abroad will come to an end, but the friendships you make along the way are endless. When you study abroad in London, you'll get by with a little help from your friends (and the IES Abroad London Center staff).

Photo Credit: @roen_aa

6. England

Studying abroad in London rocks⁠—from doing an incredible internship to going on field trips to iconic locations like Stonehenge on the weekend. Now that's a well-rounded experience!  

Photo Credit: @hope.in.london

7. France

If you are going to lay around and soak in the sun next summer, why not do it somewhere with better views? When you study abroad in Paris, the Eiffel Tower could be your new hangout spot. 

Photo Credit: @jalin_stelzer

8. Germany

Looking for a cool place to study abroad next summer? Well in Freiburg, there is a Bächle system (gutters, or small channels, that line the streets in the center of the city) that provides a cooling effect on hot summer days, thanks to the Dreisam River.

Photo Credit: @thatphotographykidd_21

9. Ireland

Our Social Media Correspondent @kinsey_scott is leaving her Instagram followers green with envy while she interns abroad in Dublin.

Photo Credit: @kinsey_scott

10. Italy

When you study abroad in Rome, there will be many fountains to make wishes in...but didn't your wish already come true if you're spending your summer in Italy?

Photo Credit: @erobbbb_

11. Japan

One of the best ways to learn about a culture is through its food, and when you study abroad in Tokyo, you will have many options. (Did someone say tempura?) If you are a foodie, check out some other locations for studying abroad!

Photo Credit: @esmeracruz

12. Japan

Getting lost isn't always a bad thing. When you study abroad in Tokyo, forget the map and get lost intentionally in the teamLab Borderless museum. 

Photo Credit: @planbart99

13. New Zealand

It's a big world we live in, so see as much of it as you can. If you can't see it all in one semester abroad, go again. We have 33 locations (including two in New Zealand) to get you started.

Photo Credit: @rgoettee.photo

14. South Africa

Not a morning person? When you study abroad in Cape Town you might find yourself waking up earlier for views like this!

Photo Credit: @_keepingupwithkim_

15. Spain

Sunglasses, check. Squad, check. Sights, check. The summer essentials are all in place for the perfect day studying abroad in Barcelona

Photo Credit: @deanest_

We want to see study abroad through your eyes! Hashtag your Instagram photos with #IESabroad to show us what you love about study abroad, and be sure to follow us @iesabroad.

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