
281 - 290 of 935 Results

FS 317 - Transatlantic Cinema: Germany and the U.S.

German and American filmmaking looks back on a long, interconnected history. Ever since the invention of the moving image, contact across the Atlantic has proved mutually stimulating, supportive, and competitive. This transatlantic relationship...

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FS 320 - Contemporary Spanish Film

The course offers the students a panoramic view of the most representative Spanish films from a historical point of view, with special emphasis on the social, political, artistic and cultural context. As well as the specific contents of the period...

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FS 320 - History of French Cinema

This course is an introduction to film analysis through the viewing and discussing of French masterpieces from the birth of the cinema to the present. We will study a number of films selected not only for their artistic qualities, but also as...

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FS 340 - German Film from the Third Reich to the Present

This course traces the development of German film from the Third Reich to the present in its respective historical context as seen against the background of international film evolution and development. The Third Reich is chosen as a starting point...

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FS 341 - Film Language and Film Making

In this course students learn the artistic and technical aspects of film making. Camera perspective, movement, light, sound will be analyzed and then used in filming. Montage, cutting film, and other studio techniques will be applied to accomplish...

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FS 341 - Spanish Film Noir and Social Reality

The objective of this course is to study issues related to Spanish social reality and its evolution throughout the 20th century from the point of view of the noir genre (literature and, primarily, film noir). Since its origin, one of the main...

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FS 345 - Identity, Nation and Values in British Cinema

This course examines the role of British cinema in providing a window into the changing nature of British identity and society since World War Two. Through the study of key films across the past sixty years it charts the progress of political, social...

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FS 348 - History of Spanish Cinema

This course offers a critical overview and a general approach to diverse filmic creations that have been shaping the history of Spanish cinema, from early 20th century avant-garde to the present. We will introduce several emblematic filmmakers and we...

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FS 390 - London Video Film Production Workshop

This course is intended for beginners or those with some experience and/or basic skills in video filming. The class is small, usually consisting of 6 students who will work collaboratively in the pre-production and production phase of a 5-minute...

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