Zuni Rubio
The first time I met one of my best friends, she thought I hated her. I was just busy thinking of things we could have in common to continue the conversation. Since then, I have gotten better at the talking part. I'm not sure I've gotten better at the friendlier appearance part. Just know that I'm always excited to meet someone new!
Blogs by Zuni Rubio
A Dozen Goodbyes
At the end of my experience, what I regret and what I will miss, and why this experience means the world to me.
Housing: Beckett House
Today, I'll share with you a quick overview of what Beckett House, the IES Abroad housing in Dublin, looks like and a brief note of my experience of it.
How I’ve Failed to Care for my Health Abroad
Being abroad can be exciting: you're making new friends, you're going to new places and trying out all these new things. These are some aspects about my health...
Where to Shop in Dublin
Because a study abroad experience can be expensive, but it doesn't stop the need for essential items, like a proper winter jacket and grocery runs, I will...
Day Trips from Dublin
Studying abroad can be exhausting, and if your budget is tight, you might not always want to spend an entire weekend away. Don't worry, I have just the list for...
COVID-19 While Abroad
A snapshot at COVID-19 in Dublin as masks mandates relax. What to expect, what happens, and hope.
The Disappointing, the Unexpected, and the Surprising
Confronting my expectations of the city, what were the things that disappointed me, were unexpected, and surprised me?
Flight to Dublin and Overview of Week One
My flight to Dublin was stressful starting from midnight the day before when I checked my email and found a canceled flight. Here I share a fraction of what...
A Handful of Days Before Take-Off
A handful of days before departure, I have a few conflicting—not mutually exclusive, emotions. I'm feeling excited, but also—not afraid necessarily—nervous.