Olivia Bozuhoski
My name is Olivia Bozuhoski, and I am a Boston-based Arts Administration student. I love painting, reading, journaling, hiking, wine, and learning about art history. I am thrilled to be in Italy this semester, and even more thrilled to be sharing the experience with students like myself.
Blogs by Olivia Bozuhoski
Tuscan Mentality in New York
I knew only one thing for certain when I decided to study abroad: I needed change.
Christmastime in Siena
December has crept up, sweeping through the city with a chilling breeze.
Words From an Ex-Vegetarian
I had been vegetarian for four years, ever since going cold-turkey in 2018.
A Broke Girl's Guide to Paris
My time abroad is quickly running out, and so is my cash.
The Anxious Traveler
I don’t believe people when they say that life is about the journey rather than the destination.
F.O.M.O. Blues
When I live in New York or Boston I always begin my day by listening to the New York Times.
Entree Three - Nice!
Translated into English, the words Côte d’Azur mean “coast of a blue-ish color”. This being said, there is nothing “ish” about the color of the Mediterranean...
Entry Two - Leaving The Snow Globe
Rustic. Trite, on-the-nose. Perhaps already the first word one conjures when imagining Tuscany.
Entry One - Best Laid Plans
In spite of thorough preparation, life can have a way of getting you down. Hard.
Are you prepared to get back up?