Leah Heneveld
I speak four languages (English, Spanish, Arabic, and Pashto), and I LOVE holidays, especially Christmas. I also love watching new shows, specifically fun reality shows like the Great British Bake-Off and Queer Eye.
Home University:
Indiana University
Zeeland, MI
International Studies,
Middle Eastern Studies
Blogs by Leah Heneveld
Leah Heneveld,
Post-Program Adventures: South America
Look no further for a guide to traveling after your IES program is done!
Leah Heneveld,
Winter break in the summer? A guide to your vacation time in Santiago
Wondering what vacations look like abroad? You've come to the right place.
Leah Heneveld,
The not-so-glamorous parts of studying abroad — taking care of your body and brain
A guide to taking care of yourself on those not-so-good days when you're far from home
Leah Heneveld,
So you have time to travel in Chile: Let me introduce you to San Pedro de Atacama
A starter's guide to visiting the Atacama Desert
Leah Heneveld,
Preparing for a Spectacular Summer in Santiago!
Simple, practical tips to prepare for a healthy and super fun summer abroad with IES Abroad, from a girl with anxiety and a love for organization.