Katie Moore
<p>Hey Y'all! My name is Katie and I am so excited to be studying in Granada, Spain this fall! I go to Occidental College in Los Angeles and am a psychology major with a double minor in linguistics and journalism. I am very active in my school's dance community and have choreographed twice for our all-school showcase called Dance Production. As a dancer, I can't wait to learn more about Flamenco and explore new music from the area. I love going on long walks, trying out new foods, and I'm very much a movie nerd. I'm looking forward to sharing my adventures with you, and hope you enjoy reading along with me!</p>
Blogs by Katie Moore
Remembering Spain — A Semester in Photos
Getting home after studying abroad felt like waking up from a four month long dream. It was as if I hadn’t left at all and had just experienced some kind of...
Getting Out of My Own Way
There are a ton of "what ifs" when traveling abroad, so naturally as an over-thinker my brain was dialed to 11 during a good chunk of my semester. BUT! I was...
10 Things I Wish I Knew Before Studying Abroad
I arrived in Spain feeling decently prepared for the semester, then of course got my world turned upside down. So, to prevent the same from happening to you...
Traveling While Abroad
Getting to visit other countries and cities is one of the many amazing things about studying abroad, but you have to make sure you’re getting the most out of...
Pass the Spanish Turkey - A Tale of Thanksgiving Abroad
Spending Thanksgiving away from home is hard. Spending Thanksgiving in a country that doesn't celebrate Thanksgiving is even harder. Being abroad during the...
I'm in Spain Without the 'S' — Navigating an Injury While Abroad
Sometimes accidents happen and you end up taking a tumble onto a pile of rocks during a hike. No biggie. But not taking care of yourself after the fact can...
I'm Sorry, What Did You Say?
Navigating a local university class is hard. Navigating a local university class where you can't understand the professor is even harder. Having similar trouble...
RIP to my Wallet, Cause of Death: Too Much Fun in Granada
When studying abroad, you're learning just as much outside the classroom as you are in it. Lesson number one for me was learning how not to blow all my money...
Packing, Practicing and Pinterest Boards - How I'm Preparing for Spain
There's so much more to preparing for a trip than packing — sometimes you just gotta stress about your airplane outfit and panic about remembering how to say...