Katie Minor
<p>Hey everyone! I’m a junior and I currently attend Trinity University, a small school in San Antonio, Texas. I consider myself a sociologist in training, and I’m interested in learning and experiencing new cultures! This blog depicts my experiences in China, specifically Beijing, China’s capital city, a long way from home! Hope you enjoy and feel free to comment!</p>
Blogs by Katie Minor
I Think I Can, I Think I Can
This semester has been filled with me constantly saying, “I can’t.” Honestly, I have surprised myself in more ways than one. Being back home in Texas, I have...
大开眼界 (Greatly Widening One's Horizon)
There’s so much that I have learned about China in these short few months, but there’s also so much still to learn. Like most things, studying abroad in Beijing...
越来越 Better? (Getting Better Little By Little)
Like everything else, my Chinese is slowly getting better and better. I can’t believe how much everyone’s Chinese has improved and how easy it is to switch...
Making the Unknown Known
Every day is a new day with different things and different challenges. However, in Beijing things are starting to feel normal as each day flies by.
Back to Where it All Began
For this DIY travel weekend I went back to Wuhu, my birth city. I saw a lot of things I wanted to see like the orphanage, places to shop, and other popular...
Which Way is Which?
Going to a new country and learning how to get from one place to another is crucial. Sometimes though, one needs to make some mistakes along the way to truly...
DIY Travel: Beijing Style
Even though I didn't leave Beijing, I had a great time with my roommate as my tour guide. This week I had the opportunity to see the Forbidden City, ride a bike...
I'm Just Like Them!
Going through security checkpoints in Yunnan was an experience I won't forget. Once again it seems that being a Chinese American in China has both advatanges...
These Boots Aren’t Made for Hiking
Hiking or any type of physical activity isn't necessarily my cup of tea. However, with the help of others, anything is possible, even getting a person who is...
My Perfect Study Abroad Match: Beijing, China
So far, Beijing has been an amazing experience. I've tried different foods, met new people, and even started speaking more to Beijing locals! The combination of...
Temple Fair- Beijing’s Disneyland or a County Fair?
I attended two temple fairs and I describe my experiences attending both fairs in this post. Needless to say, I am still unsure of what exactly a temple fair is...
Chinese American or Somewhere In-between?
I discuss how I racially identify myself, and how that identity shifts depending on where I am in the world. In China, people presume I am only Chinese and in...
Beijing: The City of Family Style Dishes and Chinese Challenges
My first full week in Beijing has been nothing less than a great adventure. I've seen new places, met new people, and have started to really consider Beijing to...
Are Subtitles Included? And Other Adventures Aboard the Aircraft
Being on an airplane on a fourteen hour flight was quite the experience. With the food, people, and entertainment, it is something a change that is both...
Beijing Again? A Case of Deja Vu
It's not my first time in China, but it will be the first time I studied abroad there! As a Chinese American, I face issues about being mistaken for being a...