Isabel Pineo
Hi there! My name is Isabel Pineo and I am coming to you this semester from Freiburg im Breisgau, a charming city in the Black Forest of sunny southern Germany. The official reason I’m here: to learn about environmental studies in a culture and urban setting known for its emphasis on sustainability. Unofficial reason: to eat amazing food, go on lots of hikes, meet fascinating people both local and foreign, and to focus on putting my physical and mental health first. I guess you could say that I’m searching for answers to the question of what it means to live rightly in the world, for the Earth and for ourselves. Since most of us have been asking that question for a very long time, I’ll be sure to update you on all the answers I find as the semester progresses!
Blogs by Isabel Pineo
A Puzzle of Memories and Moments
Reflecting on my time abroad is like putting together a puzzle.
An Ode to Food
I love food, so when I hopped on a plane to Germany, I couldn’t wait to try all kinds of foods and to share delicious meals with my new friends abroad.
Study Abroad in a Time of Climate Change
Travel is a privilege and an opportunity for personal and intellectual growth, but the scary reality is that it’s also destructive of the environment.
Freiburg: A Netflix Guide
Because you watched… The Great British Bakeoff, Stranger Things, Grey’s Anatomy, Squid Game, Gilmore Girls
Summer Camp Friends
A good friend makes all the difference, but finding one isn’t always easy. Luckily, there’s a proven way to form deep connections in a short amount of time and...
Traveling While Abroad
This is a post all about traveling while abroad – what it entails and the ways we can make our dreams of adventure a reality. Here I’ve laid out advice from...
Basic, Boring, and the Best Part of Studying Abroad?
What did you do today? I get asked this a lot, so here is an answer for all who are curious about the day-to-day existence of a student abroad.
Lost and Found
You’ve likely heard both of these conflicting axioms – that you should let go, lose yourself in the experience of studying abroad, but that it’s also a way of...
Depression Abroad: The Inside Scoop
These days depression seems to be everywhere, especially on college campuses. For those of us who have or know someone who has depression, the idea of facing...
Advice and Mental Health, 4000 Miles from Home
Hey everybody! For those who haven’t read my bio, my name is Isabel and I am about to cross the Atlantic for a semester of environmental studies in Freiburg...