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Isabel Pineo

Hi there! My name is Isabel Pineo and I am coming to you this semester from Freiburg im Breisgau, a charming city in the Black Forest of sunny southern Germany. The official reason I’m here: to learn about environmental studies in a culture and urban setting known for its emphasis on sustainability. Unofficial reason: to eat amazing food, go on lots of hikes, meet fascinating people both local and foreign, and to focus on putting my physical and mental health first. I guess you could say that I’m searching for answers to the question of what it means to live rightly in the world, for the Earth and for ourselves. Since most of us have been asking that question for a very long time, I’ll be sure to update you on all the answers I find as the semester progresses!

Home University:
Case Western Reserve University
Fulton, MD

Blogs by Isabel Pineo

Lost and Found
Isabel Pineo,

Lost and Found

You’ve likely heard both of these conflicting axioms – that you should let go, lose yourself in the experience of studying abroad, but that it’s also a way of...