Ian Johnson
<div>I am a junior undergraduate at Indiana University’s Kelley School of Business, majoring in Marketing & International Business. I am also a member of the Kelley Consulting Workshop — a program geared toward building analysis, presentation, and teamwork capabilities for a competitive career in consulting. I am currently pursuing a career in Marketing Strategy and Brand Development. As a value-driven individual passionate about holistic health and well-being, I continue to search for new opportunities to contribute to the health and longevity of our people and planet.</div>
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Blogs by Ian Johnson
Studying Abroad: My Final Reflection
This week I leave for Barcelona and head back home to Louisville, Kentucky. It's been four months since I arrived in Spain and the time has flown by - just as I...
The Top Five: Things I'll Miss Most About Barcelona
While I'm looking forward to returning to America, there are many things about Barcelona that I will truly miss. To follow suit with my last two-blog posts, I...
Gearing Up For the Long Haul
When it comes to traveling the world, people conquer intensive travel itineraries to explore destinations unknown. I would consider myself an avid traveler, but...
Is That Real Greek Yoghurt?
When I stopped eating Greek yoghurt about a year ago, it was a very sad day indeed. But upon arriving in Greece, a whole new world opened before my eyes.
A Day Well Spent in Sitges
Just twenty miles outside of Barcelona, a little slice of heaven sits on the southwest coast of Catalonia...
Enough About the People; What About the Places?
You are traveling through Barcelona for just one single day during a summer vacation and you want to have the best experience possible. Where do you go?
Discover Morocco
Every weekend, groups of students take off for various European destinations. Yet there is a peculiar foreign destination just outside of Europe that is gaining...
The Power of Friendship Abroad
As a student studying abroad, you are constantly meeting new people and forming new friendships – whether students from IES, a different study abroad program...
The Power of Trust
In honor of Valentine’s Day, I started to think about what that I’ve grown to love here in Barcelona. Since doesn’t necessarily have to be romantic, I decided...
Myth or Fact: Paris Edition
Over the weekend I traveled to Paris, France. It was time to uncover the truth about one of the most visited cities in the world — are the notions we commonly...
A Taste of Barcelona
If you wish to fully experience a new country, food is easily one of the best ways to get a good taste of the culture. Pardon the pun, but it’s a necessity.
Barcelona: The Perfect Fit
It’s been a little over two weeks since I arrived in Barcelona, and I have never been happier in my life. The city is breathtaking, the culture is invigorating...
Saying Goodbye to the States
As I prepare to depart for Barcelona, the reality of it all is beginning to sink in. I will be traveling across the world and beginning an entirely new life in...