Emma Basco
My name is Emma Basco and I am originally from Sacramento, California. I am currently studying literature and writing at Sarah Lawrence College in New York. I love to read on the beach, doodle on post it notes, paint with watercolors, and unearth new cafes and restaurants. My hidden talent is that I can make an excellent pot of noodles from packaged ramen.
Blogs by Emma Basco
Getting Schooled: Volunteering with Heesterveld English Language Club
A brief summary of my time volunteering at the English Language Club in Heesterveld, Amsterdam.
Keukenhof: Tulip Wonderland of the Netherlands
My visit to one of the prettiest attractions of the Netherlands.
KoningsDag: Amsterdam's City-Wide Party
My experience of the Netherland's biggest celebration!
What has surprised me the most about spring semester in Amsterdam?
A conversation with my friend on the ride home from class sparks a train of thought about my expectations (or lack thereof) of both fall and spring semester.
Spring is in the Air: More than Halfway There
When the sun comes out, Amsterdam becomes a different city.
Amsterdam: The Jazz City
Most people don't know that Amsterdam was and is a lively jazz city; here are some venues that I have come to love through exploring live music in Amsterdam!
Back for Round Two: Returning to Amsterdam
It is going to be hard not to compare this spring semester to the fall. But the days are getting slowly warmer and it is exciting that I can never know what...
Not Goodbye Amsterdam, Only See You Later
Usually I’m very emotional on planes, but on December 23 I think I was simply too tired to be sentimental.
Reflection on UVA and Dutch Academics
I've finally reached the end of the fall semester, and now I can properly reflect on the experience of attending a Dutch university.
My Rose, Bud, and Thorn of Fall Semester in Amsterdam
This last weekend, I took an overnight trip to the town of Deventer with two of my close friends.
Things You Need to Know About The Social Hub West
Midway through the semester, the Student Hotel rebranded itself to The Social Hub.
Wait, Is The World Cup Happening Right Now?
I have never cared as much about football as I have in the last two weeks.
Halfway Done: Being with Yourself In Amsterdam
I don’t want to overstate Amsterdam and write about a city with no faults.
A Day at DOA: Volunteering at Amsterdam's Dog Shelter
Every Friday afternoon, I take the best shower of my life.
Getting a Visa: Prepare to be Not so Prepared
Spring of 2022 rolled around and I felt more than prepared. I had done all my research, confiding, doubting. My sights were set on studying abroad in Amsterdam...