Eliza Dubose
Hello everyone! My name is Eliza DuBose and I'm from the area surrounding Boulder, Colorado. I'm a junior at American University studying Foreign Language and Communication Media, which is (very) basically a Journalism and German double major. This is my second time living in Germany and I am so thrilled to be studying in Berlin for the year. In my free time, I spend most of my time hiking, reading, writing, or consuming an inordinate amount of media.
Blogs by Eliza Dubose
3 Things to Do in Berlin
Berlin is a bustling, grungy, beautiful city that has so many unique things to offer.
Goodbye to Another Chapter
I started writing these posts wondering what kind of person I was going to be as I packed for my year abroad.
My Love Affair with German Techno
I have never been a huge party person and most certainly never been a club person.
My Favorite Moments in Berlin
The semester is officially drawing to a close and I’m quietly saying goodbye to many of my friends as they head home after their semesters abroad while I get...
Berlin Coffee Shop Recommendations
Any of my friends back home can tell you: my life revolves around coffee.
It's Okay To Find the Familiar Abroad
Even as I told myself I had very few expectations for my time abroad I was still planning non-specific pieces in my head.
Tips for Traveling While Studying Abroad
One of the many advantages of studying abroad in Europe is how incredibly easy it is to travel to all the countries that inhabited your childhood fantasies of...
A Few Cultural Surprises in Germany
I was prepared to face some cultural differences when I arrived in Germany.
A Few Things About German Cafés and Coffee
It’s an aesthetic that’s consumed my Instagram feed over the last year: academic achievement that begins by studying in a cozy cafe with a croissant and...
Packing Advice That Won't Fit In Any Lists
I’m sitting on a bed staring at my closet, willing the appropriate clothes to jump off the hangers and neatly arrange themselves in my open suitcase.