Charlie (Charles) McDowell
<p>I am a 20 year old Psychology and Intercultural Studies major escaping the suburbs of Chicago in search of an adventure. I can be found reading or writing most of the time, and love to talk to people. I've been daydreaming of traveling the world since I was a child, and am so excited that the time for that is finally here! Thank you for stopping by, I hope my stories are as helpful to you as these moments were for me.</p>
Blogs by Charlie (Charles) McDowell
Finding Myself in Amsterdam
What can a man in a boat with a poodle and a beer teach me? Amsterdam's taught me a lot more than what my classes covered, and I might be more similar to this...
Swimming to Shore: Finding Balance Before I Leave
With only a few days left until finals and my departure home, I have to find some sort of balance before the world eats me alive
What I Miss the Most
What's the weirdest thing you ended up missing from back home? The answers may be surprising. Please come read the short ode I've written to cope with the lack...
Not Being Okay: What I Needs to be Said about Mental Illness and Studying Abroad
Moving to another country for a few months won't let you run away from your problems, but it shouldn't be a reason to never try. Here's what I needed to read...
Kings Day in Amsteram
I still don’t know why there’s an inherent need to throw a nation wide birthday party for the King, but it makes me a little sad that America doesn’t have a...
What to Bring Home from Studying Abroad
Sometimes the things you bring back from a trip aren't actually things at all. Here's what I'm planning on bringing home with me.
My first Passover
When your friend is missing Passover back home, she throws seder for the whole floor.
The Obvious American
Running into two very obvious Americans on the Metro has me questioning am I obvious? and more importantly, should I care?
The Inbetween
Life here is going great.....until I remember that I still have to manage my life at home. Can I live in two places at once?
Fairy Tale Castles, College Towns, and a Never-ending Staircase
A short trip to Utrecht ended up teaching me a lot more than I expected.
How to Ride a Bike in Amsterdam
A 10 step guide on how to survive Amsterdam's favorite mode of transportation.
Adventures in mould and other small things
Two weeks in Amsterdam has given me plenty of experiences, but I'm learning that the small adventures are just as important as the large ones.
Jumping off the High Dive
The closer that my departure date comes, the more overwhelming everything is. Soon I'm going to have to jump into the unknown and (hopefully) land in Amsterdam.