Aniqa Raihan
<p>Hallo! My name is Aniqa Raihan and I am a junior at the George Washington University majoring in international affairs. I'm hoping to take my international education beyond the classroom by spending a semester in the beautiful city of Amsterdam. Join me as I meet new people, explore new places, and hopefully, find my home away from home.</p>
Blogs by Aniqa Raihan
The Monster Abroad
Here's a confession I never expected to be making on a school-sanctioned blog: I have depression. I've shared my life with the Monster for over eight years now...
Guest Post: A European Love Affair
"At one of the first of many mandatory meetings I had to attend during introduction week, us assembled students were told that while we were in Amsterdam, we...
Fluctuat Nec Mergitur
Last weekend, I fell in love with Paris. After seven years of French classes, I finally got to eat croissants and crêpes in the shade of the Eiffel Tower, stand...
Achieving & Achieved
Today may be The Last Nice Day. Every nice day in Amsterdam may be The Last Nice Day, to be fair, but today feels extraordinary somehow. Today it is 61° and...
Prost! (or The Most Serendipitous Weekend of my Life)
Last Thursday at 11PM, tired and stressed out but mostly excited, I boarded a train. I was headed to Munich for Oktoberfest but I had a 4-part, 12-hour journey...
Happy Monthiversary, Amsterdam!
Today marks a month since the start of my program, which means a month and a day since Amsterdam and I fell in love at first sight. It feels like a lifetime ago...
Two Weeks In: On Homesickness and the Future
And then, when my homesickness peaked and I reached out to my old high school friends for familiarity, the fireworks started in perfect view of my window. I...
An Unnecessarily Introspective Departure
As I type this, I am watching America fall away through a plane window. I am realizing, not for the first time, but definitely more intensely than ever before...