Angela Pupino
<p>Hi, I’m Angela! I’m a junior at American University, where I’m majoring in International Studies and minoring in Public Health. I enjoy drinking hot chocolate, reading good books, and singing along to *every* song on the Hamilton soundtrack. I grew up in the Rust Belt, live in DC, and can’t wait to study healthcare and experience life in London. I’m not throwing away my shot!</p>
Blogs by Angela Pupino
Putting It In Reverse (Culture Shock)
Whenever I travel, I always get nervous that I’ll leave something behind. I’m constantly checking to make sure that I have my passport, phone, or wallet. I...
What I'm Telling My Parents About Terror
While I spent the day of the attack outside Westminster calmly going about my everyday life here in London, my family and friends back at home were fretting. If...
A Reflection on Service-Learning
When I found out that my service-learning placement for IES was at a homeless shelter, I was nervous. Would the clients be kind or horrible? What kind of tasks...
The Big Risks: Studying Abroad as an Assault Survivor
Content Warning: Sexual Assault. My decision to study abroad as a survivor of sexual assault was complicated and nervewracking— and there have honestly been a...
Beautiful Strange Places
As I write this, I’m sitting in the strangest place I’ve ever been in my life. It's also my new favorite place in London. Studying abroad gives you time to...
A Love Poem for London
In the spirit of Valentine’s Day, I wrote a cheesy love poem for London. I am in love with this city, with the people I have met, and with the classes I am...
Only Human
On Friday, I attended a lecture at Oxford University. On Saturday, I visited Cambridge University. On Sunday, I met some students at the London School of...
This City Could Swallow Me Whole
There is something indescribably massive about life in London.
I have some advice for when it feels a bit... too massive.
The Small Risks
A week before I left for my semester in London, I took a (small) risk.