Andy Jacobs
My name is Andrianna Jacobs, but everyone calls me Andy. I am from Rochester, MN and I was a pole vaulter and Captian for the University of Nebraska-Lincoln Women's Track and Field Team. I am passionate about making people smile, helping make a difference in the world, and understanding new cultures. I'm excited to be in Rome and ready to make the most of all my opportunities!
Blogs by Andy Jacobs
Holiday Homesickness
I wanted to touch on something I know a lot of people worry about before going abroad for an extended period of time. Homesickness.
Am I Doing Enough?
I have been having the time of my life in Rome, but I sometimes find myself wondering, “Am I doing enough with my free time in Rome.”
More Must Visit Places in Italy
I am going to tell you my other top two places to see in Italy.
Five Tips and Tricks for Studying and Interning in Rome
I have been in Rome for a little over a month now. I have had so much fun, but I’ve also learned a lot.
My Two Favorite Places in Italy so Far
Italy has been more than I could have ever imagined so far!
Andy’s First Four Day’s in Italy
Hi everyone! I hope you are all safe, happy and healthy. I have had an absolute whirlwind of a time in Italy so far.
Andy’s Adventures are About to Begin
I cannot believe the day is almost here! My suitcases are filled to the brim, and I am ready to tackle my next adventure. I will leave on Sunday, August 28th...