Anathea Woirhaye
I’m a third year student at the University of Redlands, pursuing an alternative education through the Johnston Centre of Integrative Studies, and I am studying abroad at St. Catherine’s College, Oxford. This essentially means that I design my own major, and instead of grades, I get written evaluations. I study History, Film, Literature, and Art. I’m deeply involved in the community, which means I love going to meetings and deciding policy! I love to sew costumes and clothes and to watch old movies with friends.
Blogs by Anathea Woirhaye
The Things I Didn't Do
My study abroad experience has mostly been in managing the tension between lofty goals and the reality of my limits as a person.
Alone on Thanksgiving
I left my AIM earrings in the rush to get to dinner on time, which normally would mean nothing.
Not All Those Who Wander Are Lost: The Quest for Oxford’s Tolkien Society
I make it no secret that I am a huge Tolkien fan, and I will talk about him as much as I think people can tolerate.
A Night at the Movies
I used to be scared of going to movies on my own, but after the first time, I have found it to be a really wonderful experience.
The Fear of Making the Most of It
Well, I made it through the first three days without crying for real.