Alyssa Burlison
Hi! My name is Alyssa Burlison and I'm a writing and film double major at Texas Christian University. I love to write and am working on a romantic comedy inspired by Jimmy Buffet's music. I'm a foodie and I love hiking and stand up paddle boarding!
Blogs by Alyssa Burlison
Three Weeks in Dublin Vs. A Semester in Sydney
A list of differences between a three-week class abroad and a semester-long direct enrollment.
My Favorite Activities In Sydney
Sydney is a big city packed with many opportunities for adventure. Here I compiled a list of some of my favorite things to do around the city.
What I Learned From The Sydney Harbor Bridge Climb
In this post I describe climbing the Harbor Bridge and facing your fears when abroad.
Three Movies To Watch Before You Study Abroad
In this post I discuss three of the best movies to watch to set you up for a great time abroad.
Top Five Birds I’ve Seen In Sydney
In this post I discuss some of my favorite birds I've seen since moving to Sydney.
Taking Care Of Yourself Abroad
In this post I discuss a few important forms of self care for when you study abroad.
Five Things To Do At Manly Beach
Five things to do during an afternoon at Manly Beach. This beach has tons of fun activities that are perfect for a free afternoon in Sydney.
The Best Seafood I’ve had In Sydney (So Far)
In this post I discuss some of the best seafood I've tried during my first month in Sydney. Mentioned are sushi wraps, a poke bowl, and a lox bagel.