So now that I have been in Freiburg for over a month, and my classes have begun, I sorta have a schedule now. I have courses from Monday to Thursday and when I am not doing homework I typically hang out with people from my program or my Tandem Partners. I also spend some down time chatting with my Mitbewohnerin aka my roommates.
Classes are as of now going well. I haven’t had exams so I will let you know how I feel about classes after those occur. My professors challenge us but are not too difficult, but it definitely will not be an easy semester, but I feel as if my German is already improving. The classes truly create an immersive experience with the classes being taught in German and the readings and assignments are all in German too. I will be honest I have spent a lot of time using various online translators, and they are definitely my friend at the moment, but each time I read something I need to translate fewer and fewer words, so I guess that is a good sign.
Classes and homework do make up a good chunk of my schedule, but I do have free time. This past weekend the weather was beautiful and I stayed in Freiburg the entire time and enjoyed the weather. Freiburg may not be the biggest town but it definitely has things to do on the weekend, except for Sunday because everything is closed on Sunday in Germany. The past week or so it has been super warm around seventy degrees Fahrenheit, which has added to the number of things that are possible to do. This past weekend I enjoyed two days outside in Freiburg. On Friday I had a picnic in Seepark, a park with a lake near to my WG aka my German student dorm. We spent about 5 hours there, and I even got a bit of a sunburn. Saturday night some students from the program and I also enjoyed a beautiful Freiburger evening. We had a bonfire in Vauban, an environmental community in Freiburg, where some of the IES Abroad students from my program live.
Freiburg has a lot of outdoor places to explore and sit and relax. The Schlossberg and Seepark are two of my favorite places to relax at. Walking around the inner city with ice cream is another favorite thing of mine to do. German ice cream is so much better, and they have so many more flavors. As of now, my favorite flavor is nougat with banana which is basically banana ice cream with Nutella. It is seriously addictive.
Well, my time in Freiburg is flying by, but going smoothly. Bis später!

Yocom Yocom
Hey I am Claire, and I am from Des Moines, Iowa. I am studying International Relations, Russian, and German. I am a Midwestern girl who loves to travel, and I can’t wait to see what adventures are ahead this semester.