The IES Abroad semester is officially finished. I have written multiple papers, learned a lot of new German, and met some amazing people who were part of my program.
This past week was crazy with exams, and paper writings. I had to take about 4 exams and write 4 papers totaling over 30 pages of writing. That was the most writing I have ever done in German. At the beginning of the semester I would never imagine being able to do this, but now I can say I completed 30 pages of paper writing in a language other than English.
This week I was busy with exams and paper writing, but I still had a lot of time to enjoy time with friends and my fellow program members. On Saturday roughly half of the people in my program left to go back to America or to travel with family, therefore from Thursday to Saturday we ensured we enjoyed our last few days together.
Thursday evening was the IES Abroad goodbye dinner. At this dinner we went to a restaurant on top of the Schlossberg, and had a conclusion dinner, showing some of the videos made by students. My German class made a video about our time in Freiburg. The film class also showed the films they made for their class.
Following the dinner, we hung out for a bit by the Dreisam river. The Dreisam is one of the many hangout places for students. We also hung out there Friday evening.
Friday we had another Freiburgy event. Seepark is another major hangout place for students. At Seepark we had a big picnic, where we grilled various foods, and some people swam. We hung out there for quite some time where we enjoyed our second to last day with the full group.
Saturday we made sure to hang out again. There were a lot of Summer festivals this weekend in Freiburg and on Saturday we took advantage of one of them. One of the student WGs had a summer fest, where a group of us hung out for a while. We walked around, listened to some of the music, and had a lot of fun.
This weekend was a lot of fun and was nice being able to stay in Freiburg and hang out with friends a bit. I am glad I will be staying another month, but am already missing my friends and program members who left this weekend.

Yocom Yocom
Hey I am Claire, and I am from Des Moines, Iowa. I am studying International Relations, Russian, and German. I am a Midwestern girl who loves to travel, and I can’t wait to see what adventures are ahead this semester.