Some people might not belive me. But I've got pretty strong evidence that my life could be a movie. The lighting, the staging, the music - almost too perfect. Especially with the introduction of an idea like Paris.
I flew into the Beauvais airport, took a shuttle to the city, and found myself in Paris, France at exactly midnight. And not only that - but once I turned around, I saw my two friends from home, immediately ready to greet me. And not only that - but within a few minutes of hugs and laughs and strolling the lines of perfectly symmetrical trees and heat lamps lighting cafe after cafe - I see one, single, solitary, red rose. In the middle of the street. I pick it up and it's perfectly preserved. Just blooming.
"Turn around," my friend Elena tells me, with a familiar, devious smile on her face. And I do. And there's the Eiffel Tower.
And that moment about sums up my trip from Dublin to Paris. Everywhere I turn: magic.

Shannon Sotomayor
<p>I was once told that acting is professional lying. But in my work and in my art I'm constantly reminded that we're all looking for truth, whether that be the simple truth of a friend's laughter or the truth of a moment in time. And that's why I'm here, to find a little bit more. I'm sure I'll come across something.</p>