“I love you too, you wonderful lady. I hope your last few weeks abroad are amazing and you come home feeling satisfied and not too sad.” Not too sad.
This is what my friend Elena said to me as she left Dublin this Sunday. She came to visit me for the weekend from Paris, where she’s been studying for the semester. She got to meet my friends and peers. She got to meet Darragh. She got to meet everyone important to me here.
I’ve known Elena for three years now. We actually met on the very first day of our freshmen year of college. At the ice cream social in fact. And from then on, I told her everything. I shared my life and heart with this wonderful friend, and to have her here with this new community that I love just about broke my heart.
Funny enough, this all hit me during the world’s most annoying fire drill. As we waited outside our apartment for a good twenty minutes, I sunk into my scarf wrapped firmly around my nose and started to cry.
“Ah, buddy. You said you wouldn’t cry yet. Come on, it’ll be okay.”
I’m not going to lose it yet, but honestly, I’m getting close.

Shannon Sotomayor
<p>I was once told that acting is professional lying. But in my work and in my art I'm constantly reminded that we're all looking for truth, whether that be the simple truth of a friend's laughter or the truth of a moment in time. And that's why I'm here, to find a little bit more. I'm sure I'll come across something.</p>