Remember when you were a kid stuck in the car without a phone on a family road trip? Driving on the Garden Route is kind of the same thing. It was long, flat, and we were driving on the wrong side of the road. There was a moment where we all realized that tuning into our phones and listening to music really wasn’t as fun as one might think. Tuning out the world while exploring it was not really the way to go. Instead of being bored and staring out the window, we started the 1st South African Thumb War Championship. It was intense. There was no mercy. People were ruthless. It also turns out that we made the bracket completely wrong but that didn’t matter. There’s something about not having technology that almost makes people act more natural and relaxed as opposed to having to feel that they needed to be “insta ready” at all moments. Instead being face first into our screens, we danced our way through gas station breaks, explored the bus bathroom and discovered that limited data plans really do bring out the best in everyone.

Sarah Campbell
<p>My favorite things to do are make videos with my friends, listen to music, watch movies and hang out with my siblings. I love to make people laugh and to tell stories about anything and everything. I play tennis but I would love to learn how to play lacrosse or any kind of new sport!</p>