Why On Earth Did I Choose This?!

Taylor Burke Headshot
Taylor Burke
July 19, 2024

When I first opened that email, my eyes widened. Then my hands started to sweat. Then my feet. Then my forehead. I began to overthink the whole thing. Should I? Should I not? I’m only a freshman for crying out loud!

‘You have the chance to study abroad in Cape Town, South Africa!’~ I contemplated severely about even applying to go. I almost cut out the opportunity of a lifetime. I kept thinking to myself, “How is it possible that I can begin my study abroad journey so early in my college career??”. If it wasn’t for the encouragement of others, I would’ve moved that email to the trash.

I had to remind myself to not be afraid to travel to new places. I’m from Chicago, and I intentionally travelled all the way to North Carolina for college because I needed to. I could no longer reside in familiar land. Therefore, after coming to terms with that email, I was ready to apply!

First off, I chose to apply for IES Abroad’s Cape Town Health Studies program because I am a future healthcare hero! I attend Wake Forest University, and my intended major is Health and Exercise Science on the pre-med track. I’ve been so fascinated with medicine, the body, and other medical terms for a very long time; it’s almost unbelievable how this perfect opportunity presented itself. In Cape Town, I am ready to visit different hospitals and compare their healthcare system to the system here in the U.S.

Secondly, I chose to study broad in South Africa because the landscape is remarkable. Only through pictures and word of mouth have I seen the cities and heard of the many things to do. However, I can’t wait to experience South Africa in my own way! Especially in Cape Town, a highly developed city itself, there should be many people, stores, mountains, tourist spots, and activities to visit. It might even resemble Chicago a little.

Lastly, after my heavy contemplation about applying, I’m very glad that I did. Not many people are afforded the opportunity to embark on a journey like this, so I would be wrong to pass up the chance. I know 3 upperclassmen that did this same health studies program last summer and they loved it! I also know that other Wake Forest students traveled abroad last summer to other cities and enjoyed their terms. This eradicated my fears and only made me more ready to go.

Therefore, why on Earth am I doing this?

I’m doing this because I want to, I need to, and I have zero reason not to.

Thanks to my family for instilling faith, my university for encouraging education, and myself for not moving that email to the trash.

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Taylor Burke Headshot

Taylor Burke

Hey there! I'm Taylor Burke, a rising sophomore at Wake Forest University, and am super excited to travel to Cape Town! In my spare time, I enjoy hanging with friends, walking amongst the trees, swimming, and fencing!

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