My man Ferris Bueller once said, “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.”
My classes are over. I just took my last two finals. Now all there is to do is pack and enjoy my last day and a half in this city. The past four months have flown by. Study abroad is something I’ve dreamt of and imagined since I was touring universities in the US. And now it’s over?
When I got here, taking in everything was exhilarating. Admittedly, I did undergo a bit of those cheesy stages of culture shock they mentioned…. Argentina really does have its peculiarities. But now, my last couple weeks passed in the blink of an eye. I’m using so many cliches, but they really are fitting. Amidst the stress of finals week, I’ve tried to be as thoughtful and present as possible. I really have stopped and looked around, because I want to try my best to remember everything (especially the positive things) about this experience.
I can say for a fact I’ll miss my walk past the park to and from school everyday. I’ll miss other things too. I’ll miss the beautiful jacaranda trees with purple flowers that brighten the spring cityscape. I’ll miss the power in hailing a colectivo or a cab. I’ll miss 6 (now 6.50) peso empanadas that cure my pre-dinner hunger. I’ll miss the exhilaration of running across Avenida de Julio every morning to get to class. I’ll miss the convenience of kioskos that sell alfajores at all hours. I’ll miss the energy of the city. I’ll miss the dog walkers and their pups. I’ll miss the hint of obliviousness that comes with a second language. I’ll miss the adventure in everyday activities. I’ll miss the people I’ve met.
I’m excited to be home for Thanksgiving… but Buenos Aires, te extrañare.

Rachel Zalkind
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi everyone, my name is Rachel but some of my friends call me Rach, Chel, Chela, or sass-master (....maybe we should just stick to Rachel?). I'm a Colorado girl who has fallen in love with Northern California while attending Santa Clara University. If you're curious, I'm a junior working towards a degree in Marketing with minors in Entrepreneurship and International Studies. This fall I'm trading the comforts of campus for the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm excited to test out city living and carry over my interest in photographing, eating good food, and exploring as much as possible!</span></p>