IES Abroad organized an amazingly relaxing day trip to Tigre for us. We had to pay an additional cost for this one because it was super luxurious! Let me give you the rundown. Tigre is an amazing “suburb” of Buenos Aires. It’s about an hour away from the city (with some traffic), and it’s unlike anything I’d ever seen before! The town lies on the Parana Delta, so houses are built on islands and instead of streets there are streams, streets, and canals! After driving to downtown, we took a water bus (a boat) to Delta Eco Spa where we spent the day. We enjoyed a delicious buffet lunch and afternoon relaxing outside. It was so nice not only to see the Tigre way of life, but also to relax by soaking up the sun and taking a dip in the pool. You can’t do that super easily in the city! Tigre was such a unique place. The lifestyle is quite intriguing. It seems like an “endless summer” there. On our way back into town, nearly every household was outside relaxing, enjoying mate, and waving to people passing by their docks.

Rachel Zalkind
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi everyone, my name is Rachel but some of my friends call me Rach, Chel, Chela, or sass-master (....maybe we should just stick to Rachel?). I'm a Colorado girl who has fallen in love with Northern California while attending Santa Clara University. If you're curious, I'm a junior working towards a degree in Marketing with minors in Entrepreneurship and International Studies. This fall I'm trading the comforts of campus for the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm excited to test out city living and carry over my interest in photographing, eating good food, and exploring as much as possible!</span></p>