Here’s a little video I threw together yesterday (during my 7 hour layover in Miami) to say bye to home and hello to study abroad! You get a sense of what my hometown in Colorado is like, as well as what I packed for this four month adventure.
Saying bye to my friends and family at home (on top of already having said bye to everyone at school in June) caught up to me right before I got on my flight from Miami to Buenos Aires. In the hour leading up to flight, I felt the most uneasy about deciding to study abroad. But then I got over my irrational fears and back to my classic adventurous and optimistic mindset. I reminded myself how excited I am, how fortunate I am, and how much I will gain from this experience. Sure, I will miss everyone, but I know nothing too crazy can change in only four months (besides my fluency in Spanish I hope)! Now that I’ve arrived in Buenos Aires, I can already tell how great this is going to be! Not only will I get to learn more than I’ve ever learned in one semester of school, but I will get to meet people I wouldn’t have otherwise. It’s a win win situation.

Rachel Zalkind
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi everyone, my name is Rachel but some of my friends call me Rach, Chel, Chela, or sass-master (....maybe we should just stick to Rachel?). I'm a Colorado girl who has fallen in love with Northern California while attending Santa Clara University. If you're curious, I'm a junior working towards a degree in Marketing with minors in Entrepreneurship and International Studies. This fall I'm trading the comforts of campus for the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm excited to test out city living and carry over my interest in photographing, eating good food, and exploring as much as possible!</span></p>