Last weekend, IES Abroad took us on an outing to an estancia! It was nice to escape the hustle and bustle of the city in favor of fresh air in the countryside.
Once we arrived at the estancia, we were able to roam free!
The estancia had animals of all types, trees, fields, swings, places to sit, land to explore, and even a game of soccer going on. It was relaxing to have the change of scenery and free time. Eventually, we were given a bit of a historic tour and walk around the grounds. By the end of the tour it was time for asado (Argentine barbecue). Needless to say, it was very good and we were served what seemed like limitless amounts of food! After we feasted, we were treated to some amazing entertainment. The estancia’s gauchos are not only cowboys, but musicians too! I was in awe because the gauchos (there were six there, representing three generations) were all from the same family. Their family has worked on the same estancia for six generations! The music was amazing. And the atmosphere? Even better. They dressed in traditional apparel and were passing around mate while playing. They even brought out a couple folklorico dancers for a little. It was so fun and some of my fellow IES Abroad students learned the basics to folklorico too. The last activity of “estancia day” was the horse show. The gauchos showed of their skills and traditional activities. Their talent and precision was incredible! And the horse whisperer was very unique.
Here’s the link if you want more information on where we went!

Rachel Zalkind
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi everyone, my name is Rachel but some of my friends call me Rach, Chel, Chela, or sass-master (....maybe we should just stick to Rachel?). I'm a Colorado girl who has fallen in love with Northern California while attending Santa Clara University. If you're curious, I'm a junior working towards a degree in Marketing with minors in Entrepreneurship and International Studies. This fall I'm trading the comforts of campus for the amazing opportunity to study abroad in Buenos Aires, Argentina. I'm excited to test out city living and carry over my interest in photographing, eating good food, and exploring as much as possible!</span></p>