I lied… I guess this should be called my Mid Departure Post. I’m currently sitting on a plane somewhere over the Atlantic, and, like the good American I am, eagerly leaving the country on its birthday (I should mention that I’m flying with a UK-based airline… sorry America!) My abbreviated summer has largely been in preparation to study abroad. I spent the first 6 weeks of my summer in Rochester, leaving only 8 days at home to do last-minute prep, packing, goodbyes, etc. That being said, this semester abroad has approached much more quickly that I had expected.
I honestly have no idea what I’m getting myself into. I kind of decided to study abroad in Cape Town on a whim; I knew I definitely wanted to go abroad at some point during my undergraduate career, but did not have a clue as to where I wanted to go. My thought process went something like this: “I like public health. I guess I’ve never been to Africa before. Hear Cape Town is pretty neat.” And here we are. But I kind of like being unaware of where I’m headed- I have zero expectations other than the expectation to have a great experience. And I think that beginning this semester with an open mind will be beneficial for me.
Let me introduce myself a bit more- I was born and raised in New Rochelle, a smaller city just outside of NYC. I have two brothers: Adam, who will be entering his junior year in high school and Ben, who is halfway through his Masters degree at Cornell University. The picture of the three of us was taken just a few days ago. I’m going into my junior year at the University of Rochester, which has quickly become my second home. The second photo here is and some friends and I hiking in Massachusetts over last spring break. Those guys have become my Rochester family and I will miss them dearly over these next few months!
I am extremely excited to be blogging for IES Abroad this coming semester. Photography has always been a great hobby and creative outlet for me and I am so grateful to have the opportunity to not only do what I love, but to share it with the IES Abroad community as well.
Only two more flights (and inevitably a few cups of coffee) stand between me and an incredible semester in Cape Town.

Nicole Itzkowitz
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi! My name is Nicole and I am a junior at the University of Rochester, originally from the suburbs of New York City. I am majoring in public health with minors in biology and studio arts. I love ethnic foods, Halloween, the color purple, strange artwork and marine animals. You can find me around campus volunteering as an EMT, planning on-campus concerts, or hanging out in Starbucks. My dream is to one day have a pet tortoise. I am excited to study public health in Cape Town next semester and share my experiences through photography!</span></p>