I finally made it to Muizenberg Beach, Cape Town’s surfer haven. Only a 20 minute train ride from our home in Rosebank, Muizenberg is a really easy way to escape from University life for a bit and enjoy the beauty of the greater Cape Town area. This was my first time ever surfing, although as a NY native I’ve come to love the ocean so I was pretty excited to finally try my hand at this. We rented wetsuits and boards from one of the surf shops on the water and got ready to hit the waves!
The pros make it look easy. Although I managed to get on top of a few waves, it was really hard to stand up and actually keep my balance and control a 9 foot surf board. Regardless of my lack of surfing skills I still had a blast and, after two hours, was thoroughly exhausted. We ended our day with some well deserved ice cream on the beach.
At one point, Sarah and I were taking a break on the shore and started talking to this photographer who was there working on a project. He was documenting a day at Muizenberg and had been photographing a lot of the pro surfers there. He asked us if he could photograph us as well because he wanted to include all kinds of surfers in his project, from beginners like us to the masters. We had a lot of fun posing in our wetsuits… I’m looking forward to seeing those pictures when he finishes!

Nicole Itzkowitz
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">Hi! My name is Nicole and I am a junior at the University of Rochester, originally from the suburbs of New York City. I am majoring in public health with minors in biology and studio arts. I love ethnic foods, Halloween, the color purple, strange artwork and marine animals. You can find me around campus volunteering as an EMT, planning on-campus concerts, or hanging out in Starbucks. My dream is to one day have a pet tortoise. I am excited to study public health in Cape Town next semester and share my experiences through photography!</span></p>