The Last few weeks at college

Muhammad Ahmed Bahram Khan
January 20, 2016

“Are you excited for your trip?”, I was asked this question by many friends, acquaintances and random people who knew about my travels. My usual answer was “Yeah, I’m so excited! I can’t wait to see what lies ahead on my journey” until this last week. Now I have mixed feelings. On one hand there is all this excitement to see places all across Europe, on the other hand I’ll be missing all of my friends who I have made most of my memories with since I started college. However, as an international student from Pakistan in the United States at Gustavus Adolphus College, I have learned to live in the moment and make memories wherever I am. Since my childhood I have had this dream to travel all over the world, and I started fulfilling this dream a long time ago. I have memories of sprinting all over London to see everything in one day, sand bashing in Dubai’s deserts or strolling all over Manhattan, NY, and many more adventures. Regardless, it wouldn’t be wrong to say that this study abroad trip is one of the most intensive travel plans I have ever had in my life. Traveling to more than 6 countries in 5 months almost seems like a bit too much, especially when it comes to packing stuff having to keep the differences in temperature in all the places I’m planning to visit in mind. Still, that trouble is totally worth it for having an experience like this. In my opinion, there are a lot of things to see all over the world and many more extraordinary people to meet. Therefore, I like to go and see as many places and meet as many people as possible.



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Muhammad Ahmed Bahram Khan

<p>I&#39;m currently an international student from Pakistan at Gustavus Adolphus College in United States, pursuing my bachelors degree in International Management and Economic Analysis.I&#39;m studying abroad with IES Abroad in European Union Program in Freiburg, Germany starting from Spring 2016 and my ambition is to become a prominent leader in my field of study and built an exemplary personality.</p>

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