In between our classes, we usually get just under two hours for lunch. Luckily for us we are in a great location, and within 15 minute or less walk we can get to such a variety of places. We can bring lunch, or go to any ‘fast’ food place (takeaway along the street or in a café, and food courts in malls), or a sit-down restaurant. There is Darling harbor food locations and just places to sit along the water and eat or just hangout (and attempt to tan a little). There is also a tucked away garden great for quiet lunch, with tables, chairs and getting away from the street.
Or we can go to Hyde Park for some pretty quieter space. One of our favorite places for when we bring lunch from home or buy to-go, is sitting out on Darling Harbor.
After eating we either people watch, shop (window shopping primarily), do class work, watch street performers, or go visit one of the many things nearby. In terms of touristy things to see/do, during our lunch breaks I have gone to see St. James church, wander Hyde Park and visited the Australian Museum.
St. James is the oldest church (Anglican) in Sydney, and it is around the corner from the much larger St. Mary’s Cathedral.

Montana Landegger
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I'm Montana, and was born in New York (no, not in Montana), then some years later moved to Canada. I like trying new foods, helping others, dancing around, playing with kids, and meeting people. Above everything I absolutely love traveling, hence the IES summer abroad and studying foreign relations. Currently I'm at Georgetown University, studying development and diversity in the Pacific and African regions.</span></p>