Hello! Paris!

Madison Daubert
June 4, 2019

We all arrived in Paris early in the morning on May 20. We traveled to the IES Abroad Center where we met everyone in the program. Afterwards, we got settled into our apartments in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. The next day, we had lunch at a local crêperie before boarding a boat for a tour of the gorgeous Seine river. We have been taking two classes while in Paris and alternating between each every other day. One group has class in the morning, and the other class meets in the afternoon. This schedule helps give us extra time to explore the city on our own. Each class takes us around the city to teach about the history and culture of some of the museums. We had to familiarize ourselves with the metro in order to make it to class on time. At the end of our first week, a small group of us decided to go to Munich, Germany, for the weekend. It was a quick trip, but we got to experience the culture of Germany, as compared to the lifestyle in Paris. Both Munich and Paris are beautiful cities full of history, and I could not imagine a better start to this summer of travel. We are all excited to start our second week in Paris before moving on to Rome.

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Madison Daubert

<p>My name is Madison Daubert and I am a Junior at Temple University, studying Early Childhood Education with a concentration in Special Education. I love to spend time with my family and friends. I also love taking care of my dogs and cats. Some of my hobbies and interests include, singing, photography and videography.</p>

Home University:
Temple University
Harleysville, PA
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