Climbing las Canteras, rock slabs in between Quito and Cumbaya, about a 10 minute bus ride and 15 minute hike from where I live. The views of the valley were incredible. One of the things I struggle a lot with is living in the city–Some people are made to live in metropolitan areas; I am not one of those people. I need clean air, big sky, and wide open spaces (cue country music…now.) So obviously, I jumped at the chance to practice one of my favorite sports, rock climbing, when a friend from PUCE offered to take a friend and I. It was spectacular. The routes were fun and although we only had to travel a very short distance, I still felt like I was escaping the city. Here are some shots of the climbing day.
Our friend from PUCE, Camilo, clipping in for his climb
Hiking back on the abandoned highway–this old overpass between the valleys was closed down about 30 years ago because it was too dangerous-cars kept pitching off of it into the deep valley below
The view of the valley from the rocks. Not half bad!

Kristi Ch
<p><span style="color: rgb(29, 29, 29); font-family: Arial, Verdana, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; line-height: normal; background-color: rgb(237, 237, 237);">I'm studying studio art, entrepreneurship/social enterprise and international studies at Wake Forest University (Go Deacs!). Born and grew up in Canada by Malaysian born parents, I've always had an awareness of other cultures, countries, and customs. I've always wanted to travel South America and after spending the summer interning in Lima and volunteering in Kenya, I am excited to stay in one country for a while and live out some new adventures. I enjoy everything about the outdoors--camping, rock climbing, hiking, biking, running, hammocking, and have recently taken up surfing while in Lima. I also love all things art-design, painting, photography, and film, and hope to be able to share my experiences in Quito through my words and images.</span></p>